Gwenzi iri rinofumura zvese zvakaipa zvingadai zvakaitwa pamutumbi wako . Gwenzi iri rinoshandiswa pagezo /natiro pakuchenura mutumbi ,rinonwiwa ( kubvisa hudyiswa ) , roiswa pamarasha sepfungaidzo yekudzinga mhepo dzakaipa . Chifumuro chinokushwa zvakare mumba / panze chakaiswa mumvura . Vane hukwati hunopepereka isai chifumuro pamunochengeterwa hukwati hwenyu .
Chifumuro is a herb whose name is derived from the verb kufumura ( to expose ) . The herb exposes all unexplained illnesses or mishaps . Chifumuro can be consumed as a herbal tea or added to porridge ( mealie meal , sorghum or millet etc porridge ) to cleanse the system , can be added to your bath water to get rid of negative energy . Chifumuro can also be used for saging or steaming .