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Writer's pictureHERBALMEDICINES Incorporated


Updated: Jul 1, 2023


It is named resurrection bush because for most of the year it is a reddish-brown with dead leaves but when it rains it revives quickly and it becomes green. It can be used for steaming, bathing (soak in water first to revive the bush), consumed as a herbal tea, added to porridge (in powder form) and used for smudging.


1. Caffeine free

2. Helps prevents muscle cramping

3. Fights premature aging and oxidative stress caused by hectic lifestyles

4. Has cancer reducing properties

5. An immune booster

6. Decoctions fends off flu, coughs, inflammation, headaches, backaches, bad breath, hypertension, kidney disorders, haemorrhoids, menstrual pain and scurvy

7. Has naturally occurring sodium which helps the body to hold water hence staying hydrated

8.Treats abrasions

9. Helps regulate blood pressure

10. Benefits those who suffer from fatigue and low energy

11. High in antioxidants

12. The leaves are a source of arbutin which is known to help clear age spots and scars

13. Inhalation of smoke from burning the dry leaves treats chests complaints and asthma

14. The resurrection bush is used for cleansing the body getting rid of negative energies and reviving and uplifting the positive vibe in seemingly dying relationships, marriages, spiritual matters, businesses etc.


Unonwiwa seputugadzike , unonatirwa nawo , unogezwa , unopfungaidzwa pamarasha , unoiswa mubota nekuiswa mumafuta ekuzora .


1. Rinomutsiridza zvese zvingadai zvakuita sezvakunofa e.g. wanano, bhizinesi, zvemidzimu nemashavi, rudo etc

2. Gwenzi iri rinochenura (nyikai mumvura kana ramuka moshandisa mvura yacho) pamutumbi, mumba, pachivanze, munzvimbo yekutengesera etc. kuti zviendeke

3. Unodzorera mhepo dzakaipa kwadzakabva

4. Unodzinga mhepo dzakaipa uchimutsiridza mhepo (zvipo) zvakanaka kuti zvitambanuke

5. Unouchika

6. Unogona kushandiswa nemamwe makwenzi echenura sebute,mbanda nechifumuro

7. Unorapa zvirwere zvakaita sedzihwa, musana, marwadzo ekunguva, kunhuhwa mukanwa, mudumbu, matambudziko eitsvo ne kubatsiridza kufamba zvakanaka kweropa mutsinga

8. Unorapa manyoka kuhuku

9. Unobatsira kune vaye vanogonzwa kuneta nekupera simba

10. Unosimudzira masoja emuviri muropa

11. Mashizha acho akawoma (akadzvurwa) anoshandiswa kurapa hutsva nemaronda

12. Rinobatsira panatambudziko emuchipfuva uye pachirwere che asthma



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lynnette daniels
lynnette daniels
Feb 13, 2022

Enjoying Sunday afternoon with a cup of mufandichimuka herbal tea before I embark on a new adventure tomorrow. Thank you Herbal Medicines Inc.

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